The traditional craft of quilting

The traditional craft of quilting can be used to make many mathematical forms. While quilters have always used geometry to work out repeating patterns, some modern quilters go further in using mathematical objects as the subjects of their quilts. Here are two impressive examples by Sarah Mylchreest and Mark Newbold. The above
quilt (38" x 42") shows the great ditrigonal icosidodecahedron, a nonconvex uniform polyhedron consisting of twenty triangles and twelve pentagons. Although it is perfectly flat, it has a very 3D effect because the pattern includes some shadows.

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Art of Tatoo help People Keep Glucose Levels

Tattoos are no more just to beautify someone’s body or just way of expression. Scientists at Draper Laboratory have given tattoos another meaning. They will soon be prescribing semi-permanent
medical tattoos a noninvasive way for diabetic people to keep tabs on their glucose levels. The “Prescription” Tattoos composed of nanoparticles when injected into the skin will respond to glucose in the bloodstream by fluorescing like DayGlo under infrared light thereby letting the diabetic patient to determine if an insulin shot is necessary. That’s sounds amazing for tattoos can be stroke of luck of many diabetic people.

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Indonesia Art Traditional Toys and Games

The congklak, or dakon board game was brought to Indonesia by Indian or Arab traders centuries ago. Made Congklak Boardfrom plastic or wood, or highly carved by court artisans, this game has been played in Indonesia for centuries. Examples of
early congklak board can be found in the National Museum.

Traditional toys can be found throughout the archipelago and forays into the provinces will undoubtedly turn up many simple toys made by villagers for their children. These can be purchased at local pasar, roadside stands or near popular tourist destinations

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